Commercial Banking:
Course for Financial Analysts, Collateral Analysts and Auditors
Commercial Banking Course Features:
Work on actual data files that replicate what staff will see out in the field.
Learn the specific calculations and formulas for calculating ineligibles.
Learn specific techniques for detecting fraud at the field level.
Become familiar with different file types as well as re-reporting the data in a format acceptable for analysis.
Export out your findings to Excel, Access or other file types
Incorporating your data and your analysis requirements is an option for this course and is strongly encouraged.
Upon completion of the course staff will be able to immediately implement Monarch for their field work.
Commercial Banking Course Fees
For the on-site two day course for up to 8 people the fee is $12,500.00 with an additional $45 (plus shipping) per trainee for the training manual, plus travel and lodging expenses portal to portal, all fees prepaid. A web-based training course is available as well, call 440.646.0332 for details.
Class Curriculum
Monarch Commercial Banking Course Curriculum pdf
MonarchCommercialBankingCourseCurriculumAccounts Receivable
- Calculate ineligibles per Detailed and Summary AR agings
- re-age data based on invoice or due date (calculate past dues)
- Credits in past dues
- Cross aging reserve
- Foreign AR
- Contras
- Intercompany
- Chargebacks
- Partially paid invoices
- Customer/Vendor same name or address for contra detection
Sort by customer
Top 10 reporting
Pick out transactions for a particular customer
Analyze subsidiary registers or individual transactions
Segregate different transactions (credits from invoices)
Analyze cash receipts
Convert due date to invoice date agings
Sample selection
- Statistical
- High dollar items
- Round dollar items
Sort by value
Exclude or include by product codes
Exclude per sku
Refoot and re-extend values
Determine inventory values by location
Class Curriculum, cont.
Item analysis (compare inventory levels)
- By SKU or product code
Sample selection
- Statistical
- High dollar items
- Round dollar items
Accounts Payable
Sort by vendor
Top 10 reporting
Pick out transactions for a particular vendor
Convert due date to invoice date agings and vice versa
Check register -- sort by big ticket items
Find even or zero cent item
Files/Reports Incorporated
Files used in class:
- AR detail (Trial Balance)
- AP detail
- Check Register
- Inventory Report
- Credit memo register
- Detailed GL or extract of GL (i.e., one account)
Current and past clients of MrMonarch's Commercial Class include GE Commercial Finance, Textron Financial, Sovereign Bank, First Capital, and TD Bank.
"The class consisted of commercial finance auditors, staff who will be using Monarch out in the field for our Commercial Finance Division. It was imperative that upon completion of the class all participants had a clear grasp of the material. Mr. Gross was more than successful in meeting that goal."